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"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear" Ephesians 4:29
Blog Post
Isaiah 60:1-2" The Need to Rise Up out of Darkness"
These verses instructs us to do two things, arise and shine. They convey a sense of urgency and hope because our "light has come." It reminds us that, even when the world is enveloped in darkness, ( sin, war, famine, disasters, calamities, sickness and disease), the light of God's glory will shine upon us, dispelling the appearance of darkness.
Hi, my name is Alicia. I am a Servant of the Living God, a Social Services Worker by profession, a Trained and Certified Chaplain, and an Ordained Minister.
It is my passion to share the word of God to encourage, edify, exhort and to equip others to walk in their God given Purpose.
How it Started.........
This Blog was birthed out of a Prophetic Word that was spoken over me by my Spiritual Leader and walking in obedience to the word of God.
A Prophetic word has the power to change the very trajectory of your life and this blog is a testImony of this. To be honest I did not see myself doing something like this creating a Blog because I considered myself to be a person of few words but the prophetic word that was spoken over me provided insight and gave me direction and boldness so that I can walk in my God given Purpose.
What is that thing that God has called and instructed you to do? Go ahead and be bold go in his strength and walk in your God given purpose!. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13
It is my hope that this website will help you to experience Jesus in your lives. My aim is to encourage, strengthen, equip and build up the lives of others so that they can grow and walk in their God given purpose.
Alicia Mclean